Continuation Pay (Bonus) and Vesting in TSP

Continuation Pay (Bonus) and Vesting in TSP


Thursday, June 19, 2025


01:00 pm - 02:00 pm


Frontwave Credit Union
BLDG 1105
Camp Pendleton, California



Phone: 7607256098

The focus of this workshop is to ensure all TSP participants fully understand their contribution retirement plan as well as the available bonus to those under the Blended Retirement System.

All classes are held in person for Camp Pendleton and virtual for Barstow. Registration is required for Barstow.
This class satisfies the MOL message regarding mandated training (MARADMIN 346/20). Per MARADMIN 346/20, Marines (officers and enlisted) are required to attend the seminar within ninety days of arriving at their first permanent duty station.

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