K-12 School Liaison Program

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The School Liaison Program (SLP) focuses its efforts on making transitions for military school age children easier. Through connections with families, schools, commanders, community and installation programs, School Liaisons engage in a system of support on behalf of the military child.

The Henderson Hall Marine Corps School Liaison is here to serve military families, commands, schools and the community located in the National Capital Region. The program provides support for transitioning students in grades K-12 due to the mobile military lifestyle:

  • Information on local schools (public, private and charter)
  • Homeschooling requirements
  • Marines Mentoring Program
  • Special Education (Check out www.wrightslaw.com for additional support on this topic)
  • High School graduation requirements
  • Post-secondary preparation
  • Tutoring resources
  • Military Interstate Children's Compact (The Compact addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.)
Schools and Home Schooling

The District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have some of the best schools in the nation. As you consider your move to the area below are the neighboring districts to compare. If you have any questions regarding districting, school requirements or transfer of credits, please contact your school liaison representative at 703-693-8378.

Local Virginia Public K-12 School Districts

Home Schooling

VA DOE Home Schooling Information:

Educational Resources
  • Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families
    Free online help is available 24/7 for military members and their families from live, professional, and screened tutors in more than 16 subjects. Tutors available to help with K-12 coursework, introductory college courses, adult education, and career transitions.
  • Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission
    Interstate Compact on Educational/Opportunity for Military Children information can be found on this site. Click your state on the interactive map for information.


Special Needs


Financing College
  • Schoolarship for Military Children
    The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community.
  • Navy–Marine Corps Relief Society
    Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) is a privite non-profit charitable organization providing financial, educational and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of the United States. Click on education programs.
  • Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
    Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation honors Marines by educating their children through scholarships. Information including eligibility, registration dates/deadlines, and applications can be found on this site.
Looking for virtual volunteers!

Mentoring Program for Barcroft students is back! Barcroft students are in great need for volunteers. This volunteer job is easy and rewarding! Just one or two hours a week!

Mondays-Two time slots are available to pick from: 1100 or 1500 (1 hour).
Open to all Marines and Service Members.

Important Information:

Volunteers will start off the program with getting to know their students, these will go from community builder/get to know you activities (for a couple of sessions) to social-emotional learning activities (also one-two sessions). (Activities will be provided). Last, (after a few weeks) you will read with your students. Barcroft Elementary has an online library you may use and will share their screen. Each session will be 1 hour. The Barcroft POC will lead a quick training for those interested in signing up. We’d love as many volunteers as possible for this program! For volunteer hours, contact the School Liaison Officer at amy.fishman@usmc-mccs.org

Virtual Boot Camp:
' We are looking for Marines and service members to lead a virtual boot camp/gym class once or twice a month. Volunteers may pair up with more than one volunteer at a time. This can be a live stream event or prerecorded. Please contact the School Liaison Officer at amy.fishman@usmc-mccs.org if you are interested.


Want to help and don’t know how? Read!
Let’s continue the Mentoring Program virtually through United Through Reading and receive volunteer hours!! This is so easy you can do it from your own home or even your car!

Read more


Contact Information and Resources
School Liaison Program


1555 Southgate Rd.
Bldg. 12, Room 132
Arlington, VA 22214

Phone: 7036938378

Follow Us:

Hours of operation:

Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Thursday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturday Closed

School Liaison Evaluation Program

Do you have a few moments to help us make the school liaison program (SLP) the best it can be? We need your important feedback! This brief survey asks about your family’s experiences with the SLP. This is an open survey; feedback is welcome anytime. All responses are voluntary and anonymous. The survey is for active duty Marines only at this time. Visit the link below or scan the QR code to take the survey! https://usnavy.gov1.qualtrics.com/.../SV_0PAEFLoAr9PzxWe

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Super Star Student

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