Substance Assessment and Counseling Program

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Our Commandant wants Marines to “Protect What You’ve Earned” Period! SACC helps Marines “Protect What You’ve Earned” by executing smartly and moving forward in your career. To make that happen, SACC conducts an aggressive outreach and prevention program that includes tailored training based on assessment of each individual command's needs. Interventions include provision of the Prime For Life 4.5 and 16-hour curriculums. SACC also supports the CMC-directed Unit Marine Awareness & Prevention Integrated Training (UMAPIT) annual required training. Should you desire to become a "part of the solution" by scheduling SACC to come out and give a presentation to your Marines and assigned Sailors, please call (703) 614-8961.

Substance Abuse Combat Center Henderson Hall (SACC HH) has a mission of helping Henderson Hall Marines and assigned Sailors “Protect What You’ve Earned” by reducing substance abuse related incidents. The intent is to enhance operational readiness through development and deployment of responsive, hard-hitting, cooperative prevention and education strategies. This is accompanied by use of effective treatment modalities within a compassionate environment that emphasizes individual worth. SACC HH emphasizes prevention through use of unit outreach and training. SACC also provides screenings & assessment, outpatient substance abuse treatment, referrals, and aftercare facilitation.

SACC Henderson Hall's commitment to our Commandant's goal of Marines “Protecting What You’ve Earned” and zero tolerance for substance abuse's destructive aspects is exemplified in our employment of a unique "SATURATION 4 THE DURATION” prevention and outreach strategy. It is further supplemented by the use of effective intervention modalities within a therapeutic framework-with special emphasis on self-worth and personal growth.

SACC remains cognizant always of the underlying leadership challenges posed by substance abuse. Accordingly, SACC facilitates unit commanders' implementation of a three-pronged strategy of DETERRENCE, PREVENTION, and INTERVENTION that incorporates:

  • Detection
  • Outreach, education and ongoing "saturation" training
  • Timely low-level intervention
  • Appropriate discipline
  • Necessary referrals
  • Screenings, assessments, and placement
  • Effective treatment-at various stages in a continuum
  • Restoration to full duty or separation
  • Recovery-managed through a one-year program of unit-monitored aftercare

SACC also supports family members over 18 and to the extent feasible.


Substance Abuse Combat Team

SACC helps you “Protect What You’ve Earned” through use of a dedicated team of licensed and certified substance abuse professionals. In support of this effort, SACC has two counselors and one Drug Demand Reduction Coordinator, in addition to working closely with the individual unit SACOs and other leadership personnel.


Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO) Course. SACC offers the SACO course quarterly, or as needed to assist unit substance abuse "duty experts" in completing this required training within the HQMC-specified 90-day period. SACC offers it to newly appointed SACOs, Substance Abuse Control Specialists, and Urinalysis Program Coordinators.


CBD? More like CBDon't DO IT!

CBD Oil is one of the many components found in cannabis. Military members should avoid CBD oil, use is unlawful and could result in a failed drug test. Be cautious of foods and vape oils, as they might contain CBD oil. Risks associated with CBD are rashes, liver problems and breathing problems.

See Flyer


SACO Training

UPC Handbook for Marines Supervisory Training

SACO Certification Course

Introduction Education Prevention Response


Additional Information
Why Prevention? SACC Henderson Hall believes that Prevention is the key to fulfilling CMC’s intent of “Getting Marines” (to do the right thing) before they “get themselves” (in trouble). To that end, SACC seeks to assist Marines to “Protect What You’ve Earned.” SACC accomplishes this through deployment of an aggressive outreach and prevention program that includes tailored training based on assessment of each individual command's needs. Presented on a rotating basis at the unit and section level, this helps ensure broad-based coverage a minimum of once a year. Prevention Education include provision of the Prime For Life 4.5-hour curriculum. SACC also supports the CMC-directed Unit Marine Awareness & Prevention Integrated Training (UMAPIT) annual training requirement. Thematic events such as the WRAP SOBERIDE program, the annual Red Ribbon Campaign, and our annual "101 Days of Summer Sense Safety Campaign" also constitute important elements of our prevention effort. SACC also places special emphasis on the availability of such "diversionary" programs as lifelong learning, fitness training, and volunteer efforts as a viable means of combating potential substance abuse "trigger" situations. Should you desire to become a "part of the solution" by scheduling SACC to come out and give a presentation to your Marines and assigned Sailors, please call (703) 614-8961.

Screenings & Assessments
Screenings and assessments run concurrently. They are the first step in the intervention process and help determine whether a Marine needs treatment. Screenings & Assessments last about two hours. Marines not in need of treatment, i.e. the vast majority, will simply undergo Early Intervention (Prime For Life). To schedule a screening please contact the SACC via your Unit SACO. Alternatively, you may contact the SACC at (703) 614-8961.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention consists primarily of the educational 16-hour "Prime For Life” curriculum. It assists individuals in exploring risk factors and recognizing the harmful consequences of inappropriate drug & alcohol use. The goal is to equip Marines to “Protect What You’ve Earned” by making more responsible substance use life choices. Early Intervention sessions are conducted once a month, or more frequently as may be needed.

Referral and Treatment
Marines and assigned Sailors whose needs would best be met through formal treatment are provided referrals to Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, or Residential treatment via one of several area or regional facilities.

Following treatment completion, individuals collaborate with their Counselor in the development of an aftercare plan. SACC then provides this plan to the Commander in the form of a recommendation for the required one-year period of unit monitoring.

B.R.A.D. (Responsible Drinking Website)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Washington Area Intergroup Association (Great resource for locating local 12-step meetings]

SOBERIDE (Washington Regional Alcohol Program)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Alcoholism and Addiction

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

National Institutes on Drug Abuse


Mental Health

Contact Information and Resources
Substance Assessment and Counseling Center


1555 Southgate Road Bldg. 12
Arlington, VA 22214

Phone: 7036147204

DSN: 224896

SACC: 7036148962

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Hours of operation:

Sunday Closed
Monday 6:30AM - 3:00PM
Tuesday 6:30AM - 3:00PM
Wednesday 6:30AM - 3:00PM
Thursday 6:30AM - 3:00PM
Friday 6:30AM - 3:00PM
Saturday Closed

2025 February Prevention Sense

Click image to download file

2025 March Prevention Sense

Click image to download file

2024 Red Ribbon Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign

Click image to download file

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