Adult Sports

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Henderson Hall’s innovative athletics & sports program has been designed with the wants and needs of the modern Marine in mind. Programs are offered for every sporting interest and different levels of expertise from the intramural to varsity and regional. Programs are offered for both teams and individuals. These programs offer Marines the opportunity to stay fit, have fun, compete, make friends, and build esprit de corps.

The sports program consists of intramural softball, basketball, volleyball, dodge ball, and flag football. The varsity program comprises basketball, softball, volleyball, flag football, soccer, and boxing. Special events throughout the year include chess, bowling, golf, 3-on-3 basketball, and racquetball tournament, extreme sports, and cross country runs and marathons.

The purpose of Intramural Sports is to provide opportunities for participation in a wide range of individual and team sports for both men and women regardless of skill level with a primary emphasis on maximum participation. Enhance individual morale, and unit esprit de corps while promoting teamwork and cooperation through friendly competition. The league is open to all Active Duty Military, Retirees, Family Members, and Authorized DoD Civilian Employees age 18+.

Stay tuned for upcoming Leagues and Sports.

Intramural Volleyball League

Semper Fit Athletics sponsors an Intramural Volleyball League starting May 7, 2024. Games will be played select weekdays at Cpl Terry L. Smith Gym from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

Team size will be 12 players plus a coach. Rosters will be able to be changed prior to each game. Team sign ups are being taken up through Friday, May 3rd, 2024 at Noon.

Register by completing the registration form (found at Cpl Terry L. Smith Gym or online), and turning it in to the Cpl Terry L. Smith Gym or Semper Fit Athletics office. For more information, call 703-697-2706/2708. The league will be FREE OF CHARGE and open to DoD ID card holders.

See Flyer with Team Roster Form

Varsity Sports offers individuals with highly developed skills the opportunities to compete in higher level competition beyond the Intramural Program and to compete with others capable of challenging their abilities. Varsity Teams will be formed based on fund availability. Active Duty military assigned to the National Capital Region are authorized to participate.

Varsity teams compete in the Washington Area Military Athletic Conference and local civilian and military tournaments and leagues. Varsity teams also compete in the Marine Corps East Coast Regionals which can lead to higher levels of competition for Marine athletes such as Armed Forces Championships, Olympics, national and international events


Contact Information and Resources
Athletics & Sports


1555 Southgate Road
Arlington, VA 22214

Phone: 7036972706

Athletics & Spots Assistant: 7036972708

Fax: 7036954765

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Hours of operation:

Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Thursday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturday Closed
Closed Federal Holidays.

2025 Intramural Volleyball League

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