L.I.N.K.S. 20th Anniversary
Lifestyle Insights, Networking, Knowledge and Skills workshop, also known as L.I.N.K.S. is celebrating its 20th Anniversary in serving Marines and their families on September 1, 2017, Marine Corps-wide.
L.I.N.K.S. is an interactive acculturation program to Marine Corps life and the local installation where participants learn about the Marine Corps history, traditions and rank, local installation resources, services, benefits, military pay, separation, deployment, communication styles and how to invest in their community. It is open to all Marines, spouses, children, teens, and parents of Marines, with distinct information for each curriculum, and different methods of instruction based on the audience.
In preparation of the L.I.N.K.S. 20th Anniversary we need you to vote for your favorite logo. The most popular logo will be used across the Marine Corps, at all installations as a branding concept, for all L.I.N.K.S. events and activities during the 20th year celebration from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018.
Marines and their families are encouraged to vote for the logo that they feel best represents L.I.N.K.S. To vote from June 12, 2017 to June 23, 2017 click here. Marine Corps Community Services Website, at www.usmc-mccs.org, will unveil the winning logo that is most favored. We encourage installations to share this link and vote! Click here to vote!
In 1995, a group of Marine Corps spouses met at the National Conference Center in Leesburg, VA, to develop a spouse education and acculturation program. Their primary goal was to create a program that would empower new or young Marine Corps spouses by providing them with valuable information and necessary tools to have a successful personal and family life while their Marine was serving our country. They drew from established and grass root programs, such as: Army Family Team Building, “Married to the Corps” at Camp Pendleton, CA. and “Bride’s School” at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
The intent was not only to provide Marine Corps spouses with valuable information and tools to help them thrive in the Marine Corps community, but to establish an independent, all-volunteer program that would be sustainable across all Marine Corps installations. The trainings would be open to any spouse wishing to attend, or at the request of a command/unit.
In early 1997, the Marine Corps launched two pilot programs in Quantico, VA and Kaneohe Bay, HI. In September, 1997, the program officially kicked off at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif., with a group of spouse volunteers. The program then grew one by one to installations throughout the Corps.
Twenty years later, L.I.N.K.S. has morphed into an official Marine Corps program with curriculum for spouses, Marines, parents, extended family members, teens and kids. There is a robust volunteer community of more than 1,000 supporting L.I.N.K.S., designated Marine Corps Family Team Building personnel, official and standardized curriculum, and expansive support.
For more information visit your installation’s L.I.N.K.S.