What it Means to Consent to Sex
When you ask your AI device for the definition of "consent" you are likely to hear something like “as a noun, is permission for something to happen or agreement to do something” and "as a verb is to give permission for something to happen.”
When it comes to sexual relationships, consent is a must. But what exactly is consent in that context?
In legal terms, “consent is a freely given agreement to the conduct at issue by a competent person.” The legal definition of “competent” means the person is capable and has the ability to act in the circumstances. A person who is asleep, incapacitated, inebriated or afraid isn’t competent to give consent. Consent must be given by all parties before any sexual contact takes place. Consent is communicated through words or actions, and it’s active and ongoing. Having consented before or being in a relationship isn’t consent in the here and now, and consent can be withdrawn at any time.
Healthy communication is key; this means listening to your partner, expressing yourself, and finding what you both agree on. Make sure you’re both on the same page about consent, boundaries, expectations, and how you’ll communicate any changes.
To learn more or to seek aid, reach out to your local Sexual Assault Prevention and Response or Family Advocacy Program.